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What are the common aerosols where vGrip is used most?
Preval Sprayers, Insecticides, Lubricants Sprays, Brake Cleaners, Industrial Chemicals, Plastidip Sprays, Spray Paints, Primer Sprays, Protective Coatings, Fixitive Sprays, Carb and Choke Cleaners, Hobby and Craft Sprays, Glass Cleaners, Wax and polish sprays, Whitewall Cleaners, 2k Aerosols, Upholstery Cleaners, Tire Cleaners, Degreasers, Dusting Aids, Cutting Oils, Air Freshners, Marking Paints, Varnish, Shellac, Stain, Anti-seize Lubricants, […]

How does the vGrip work?
The vGrip easily snaps on most standard aerosols heads, right where the silver valve crimps onto the top of the aerosol can. The user simply insures that the spray nozzle and oriface in position so when the vGrip trigger is pulled, the spray delivery will not be obstructed. Once the trigger is pulled the aerosol button will actuate.