4 Ways to Upcycle Before the In-Laws Visit
So, the family is due in tomorrow. The shopping has been done, the turkey is in the freezer, and the recipes are laid out with care. With all that out of the way, you want to dazzle your guests even more? Here are some of our favorite DIYs, perfect for your Preval Sprayer.

Thanksgiving Table Runner
Thanksgiving with Preval If you’re a fan of our YouTube channel, you might have seen our latest episode of Maker’s Minute, where we showed you how to create a table runner without any sewing involved. But for those of you who prefer a classic, written presentation, we outlined the steps below. WHAT YOU’LL NEED […]

Fade to Black
Halloween Black Design Happy Halloween everyone! Yesterday we took a cinematic trip into color. Today, we’re going to fade to black. Spooky or something, right? So why exactly is black such a morbid color? Many cultures and customs wear black as a symbol of mourning their loved ones. Wearing black clothes is one form of […]